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The Dark Tower series, by Stephen King

The Dark Tower series, by Stephen King

I’ve learned many things from the writing of Stephen King (both reading his novels and his great book On Writing). Among those lessons, he’s taught me that fantasy and science fiction need not be segregated, but can be present in the same fictional world at the same time. It can be done. It can work. It can work well.

Aside from the Dark Tower series by Stephen King, I’ve come across this idea elsewhere too–from Anne McAffrey and Terry Brooks, to name a couple. I also found the idea fascinating in the 80’s cartoon movie Wizards.

Go then, there are other worlds than these. ~ Jake Chambers

Go then, there are other worlds than these. ~ Jake Chambers

This has been one of the cornerstones of my fantasy world for a long time. One of my first tries at writing a novel (in middle and high school) included a human from Earth ending up in my fantasy world of Dadreon. Over the course of the story, she learns the horrible truth, that Earth was destroyed and this alien fantasy world eventually sprung from its ashes. The horror of it struck me enough to think of it as a good enough segway.

Then, I grew up and I noticed the glaring holes in my worldbuilding. I’ve spent the past few years stitching up many of them, but I had started to think I would drop the “far-future Earth” idea because I wasn’t sure how I could make it work. I feared it had become my “darling” and one that needed killing. (More advice from Mr. King.)

Kill your darlings... ~ Stephen King

Kill your darlings… ~ Stephen King

I had my pantheon of gods. I had the protectors that served those gods. I had mortal races that had “normal” day to day lives, like real life, but in a fantastic world. These characters all make up the side of “order,” and on other side of that balance coin, the forces of “chaos.” But I still hadn’t figured out how to make the fantasy and science fiction elements blend. I didn’t want some blah reason for Earth to die. I didn’t want to make some statement of how awful we are as a human race and have us blow ourselves up in a nuclear war (which was my original thought, but never satisfying).

Then everything (finally, after almost 30 years) started to come together.

When I started my blog, I used it as an outlet for the fan fiction stories building in my head. Stories for my World of Warcraft characters. They were set in a known world, so I had that part done for me, very safe, but it’s such a wide world it gave me the latitude to get creative. Eventually, realizing I would never (realistically) be able to publish fan fiction (except on my own tiny corner of the internet), I shifted back to working on fiction for my own fantasy world of Dadreon again.

About 30 years after creating it and about 10 years since I’d even looked at it.

I filled in lots of worldbuilding holes. I made great progress.

But I missed those great fan fiction stories I had started.

So I began to wonder if there were a way to translate those stories from the Warcraft world to my own.

What I came up with was sparked by Effraeti’s “Descending Twilight” series. So I brainstormed and I wrote a teaser:

Earth, the Near Future.

Humans have been advancing their technology and learning the science of time travel, but not in time to save themselves. Dark old gods have emerged. They and their demonic minions lay waste to Earth.

In one last effort to save humanity, scientists flee through time both backward (to prevent) and forward (to escape), trying to find their salvation and discover what might stop these awesome, destructive beings.

But something goes wrong. Dr. Gabi Graf is caught in a temporal vortex and nearly killed. Somehow she is split in two and ends up in two times and places, each half aware something is missing…

Can she survive in the distant future? What will Earth have become at the hands of these dark old gods? And will she find what she’s looking for?

Gabi has become her own alternate timeline.

Okay, okay, so the blurb probably doesn’t need the last line, but I really like it.

Now, instead of working on my four book series Jadeflare (specifically Book 2) for NaNoWriMo, like I had originally intended, now I want to work on this. I have so many ideas in my head.I’m currently working to straighten them out in my head and on paper with the help with

I’m currently working to straighten these ideas out in my head and on paper with the help with Kristen Kieffer’s awesome Pre-Writing Story Bible. (Kristen also runs a great Facebook group called Your Write Dream with a great writer community if you’re interested in something like that.) Once I get every question answered in the Story Bible, I’ll do a chapter outline. Then I’ll enter those chapters into Scrivener. Then, I should be ready to start writing.

I love the idea of NaNoWriMo, but I doubt I’ll aim for 1667 per day (for a total of 50,000 between November 1st and November 30th). I’m thinking of doing something more lowkey and attainable, like 500 words per day, which was suggested by Shaunta Grimes who runs another awesome Facebook group called Ninja Writers, which is also a great writing community.

The Facebook groups are great support, but also a huge distraction sometimes (like when I’m unconsciously trying to avoid writing).

500 words are still more than my average, so it’ll still be quite a stretch.

But I can do this.

And I’ll work on this new novel idea (which I’m affectionately naming Split Personality until I come up with something better) until I get stuck like I did with Jadeflare. Then, I’ll switch and keep going with that.

I’m trying to tell myself that multiple projects are okay. It might slow me down, but if it keeps me writing reguarly, it’s worth it.

Wish me luck in November! If I’m not stressing too much over word counts, I’ll try to post updates. Otherwise, I might not pipe up here again until December 1st.

~ Effy

Presentation – Lovecraft Meets Warcraft

Lovecraft Meets Warcraft

New and exciting things! This weekend I finished my presentation for my Horror and Science Fiction class. I created it on Lovecraft and Warcraft, and how the former has influenced the latter. I discovered how to create a video directly from PowerPoint. I also uploaded this as my first ever YouTube video.

The only downside, I had to cut the videos I was planning to use. I couldn’t figure out how to get them to play in my PP to video (I’ll probably research that later), and my video was too long to record it on Screenr, which is the one screen capture website I’m familiar with.

Anyways, here’s my video! After it, I will include the videos I watched while creating it.


~ Effy

Lovecraft Meets Warcraft, By: Effy

WoW Lore: Old God Secrets, By: MrRhexx

The Lore of Titans and Old Gods, By: Nobbel87 (Parts 1/2/3)

#WoW30 Challenge: Day Four – Favorite Race


Meat-Vendor’s prompt for Day 4 of the 30 Day Challenge is:

Favorite Race

A Draenei, by Linessa

A Draenei Female, by Linessa

Newsflash: Effy likes Draenei!

What?  That is not breaking news?  Oh…

Well, either way, the Draenei are my favorite race.  Perhaps you have gleaned this from some of my stories or perhaps from my two main characters, particularly my avatar, Effy.  But Ireenia has been moving up in importance in my stories as of late.

A Draenei Female, by Applesin

A Draenei Female, by Applesin

BTW, enjoy some great fan art I came across while looking for Draenei pictures.  I figured they would complement this post nicely.

What can I say about Draenei that would not be repeating myself?  (Not much, I suppose.)

I love their other-worldliness and how different they are from the other races.  I love their lore, as scattered as it is.  I love their tenacity.  I love their dedication to good and to the Light, despite the trials that block their path.  I love their ability for compassion and their capacity to defend themselves despite it.

I love that they are blue and have tails and horns.  It is the truth.

I love writing from their point of view and exploring their stories and lore more deeply.

I love my Monk and I really, really love my Shaman.

I love the idea of going back to Draenor and seeing where my Shaman lived before I was introduced to her.

A Draenei Female Hunter, by Tamplierpainter

A Draenei Female Hunter, by Tamplierpainter

Interested in Draenei lore?

Check out Matthew Rossi’s Know Your Lore post about the Draenei over on WoW Insider.

And check out Doronsmovies’ video about the Draenei:

And now…

Yesterday, we witnessed the moment all of us Draenei-lovers have been waiting for:

The reveal of the new Draenei female model for Warlords of Draenor!

New Draenei Female Model

New Draenei Female Model

Draenei Female New Model

New Draenei Female Model

My thoughts?

I think they did a good job of taking an already incredible model and refining her just enough.  I cannot wait to see the animations, because though her art update is subtle, but very elegant, I imagine it will make a huge difference in her movements and emotes!

Personally, I look forward to seeing her with the new cloak animations too, because I have always insisted upon hiding the cloaks on my Draenei females.  I cannot stand the awkward L-shape they make because of their tail.  Perhaps they will not do that anymore.

We shall see.

And I promise to get caught back up with the #WoW30 Challenge, but how cool is it that I was able to post about my favorite race right after their new models came out??  😀

~ Effy

What do you think of the new character models so far?

#WoW30 Challenge: Day Three – Favorite Racial Leader (Horde)

WoW30 - Horde Leader - Baine Bloodhoof 1

Meat-Vendor’s prompt for Day 3 of the 30 Day Challenge is:

Favorite Racial Leader (Horde)

Yes, yes, so I like tails and hooves, but that is not the only reason the Tauren are my favorite Horde race, nor the only reason I like Baine Bloodhoof.

I like the Tauren because they have such a gentle nature (usually) and a society similar to that of the Native Americans.  I also love Sunwalkers, despite the negative press they often receive for apparently breaking lore.  I happen to think they work well.  I even wrote a story that I aimed to tell in the oral tradition of the Native Americans called the Firebird and the Sunwalker.

But anyways, about Baine.  I have a great deal of respect for Baine as a leader, both because of his stoicism after the death of his father and his unflagging devotion to his morals and his people.  He is fiercely dedicated to the Horde, but would not bow to Garrosh on decisions he did not agree with.

Interested in Baine lore?

Definitely read the Know Your Lore piece on WoW Insider by Matthew Rossi about Baine as well as the leader short story about Baine on the Warcraft page, As Our Fathers Before Us.

See you tomorrow for the continuation of the #WoW30 Challenge!

~ Effy

WoW30 - Horde Leader - Baine Bloodhoof 2

#WoW30 Challenge: Day Two – Favorite Racial Leader (Alliance)

WoW30 - Alliance Leader - Velen the Prophet 1

Meat-Vendor’s prompt for Day 2 of the 30 Day Challenge is:

Favorite Racial Leader (Alliance)

WoW30 - Alliance Leader - Velen the Prophet 3

I suppose it will come as no surprise that my favorite racial leader for either side is Velen the Prophet.  I consider myself a Draenei through and through, and I have always found the stories surrounding the Draenei fascinating (perhaps even moreso because much of it is so vague).

It is part of why I write my stories of Effy, to fill in little pieces here and there.  Specifically, the flashback portion of As the Sun Sets gives a bit of made-up lore, as it takes place on an unknown planet before Draenor at some point while the Draenei are fleeing the Burning Legion.

Velen has led the Draenei for thousands of years.  He and his followers denied the Burning Legion and sided with the Naaru, and though it was the right thing to do, it has led them to be exiled, hunted, and nearly exterminated.  Velen has stuck to his path, even though he has prophesied that a greater battle between light and darkness is still to come.  The sacrifices of the Draenei are not over, but at least they have the Naaru and their Alliance allies to stand beside them.

Interested in Velen lore?

Check out Nobbel87’s video about Velen:

There is also the Know Your Lore article from WoW Insider where Anne Stickney discusses Velen, as well as the Leader Short Story on the Warcraft page, Prophet’s Lesson.

And for a last bit of interesting Draenei knowledge, I give you @Loreology:

WoW30 - Alliance Leader - Draenei Translations

~ Effy

WoW30 - Alliance Leader - Velen the Prophet 2

Catch-up Lore: Warlords of Draenor





After a good deal more reading and watching of videos, I wanted to make a quick update post.

First of all, some questions answered…  Garrosh is going to escape his punishment and flee (possibly with the help of Kairoz from the Timeless Isle) into an alternate dimension/time line of Draenor.  His goal?  To cultivate the “real” Horde, the original Horde, and keep them from drinking the blood of Mannoroth, which Garrosh sees as the source of all the Orcs’ failures.

The Black Temple (Fallen Karabor)

The Black Temple (Fallen Karabor)



But more questions arise…  The Alliance city on Draenor will be Karabor (better known to us Azerothians now as the Black Temple).  Why not Shattrath?  Has Shattrath already fallen?

EDIT: Shattrath is occupied by the Iron Horde.  I hope to find out more regarding this, since this is already outside the “normal” known history of our timeline.

Fallen Shattrath

Fallen Shattrath



There are so many places I cannot wait to see on Draenor.  I cannot wait to personally compare them to the places I am more familiar with in Outland.  (I see a picture series in my future, similar to the few in this post.)

Fallen Auchindoun

Fallen Auchindoun



I happen to have a lot of interest in lore, but I know there may be many who may be less versed.  There may be those new to WoW or just unfamiliar with the storylines of the Orcs, Draenei, and Draenor.

Interested in how we went from point A to point B?  I came across an interesting couple of videos good to catch-up or even just to recap.

The story behind the Warlords of Draenor, by TheDDGuides

History of Draenor, by BellularGaming

Orc Warlords Lore, by BellularGaming

Warlords of Draenor Lore and Story (per Blizzcon), by BellularGaming

This last one is not “lore” but more speculation.  It was released by BellularGaming about a week ago, and I found it quite interesting.  Some of it ended up fairly spot on.

Warlords of Draenor Story Speculation – Time Travel, by BellularGaming

Trust I will be doing more research as I can.  For me, as a loyal Draenei, I see this is a kind of ancestry research.  It is like learning more about where Laz and Effy came from.

I hope you enjoy the information I found as much as I did.  🙂

~ Effy

On Writing: If You Like it, Be Able to Explain Why

Property of Blizzard Entertainment

Property of Blizzard Entertainment

For our second out of class paper, we were tasked with writing a review of a movie, book, or video game.  I know we are all surprised that I wrote mine on World of Warcraft.

I think it is important, not only for argument’s sake, that if you really enjoy something or agree with a particular point of view – you should be able to explain why and defend that point.  It is basically the idea behind my whole Composition II class – make an argument and back it up.  This applies to arguments as well as books, movies, video games, and other forms of entertainment.  Do you you like the plot?  Do you like the camera work/detail/art?  Do you just like the blood and guts?

So for this piece, my argument is that WoW is a great game and why.

Cuz hopefully, after four years, there is a really good reason I am still playing, right?

~ Effy

World of Warcraft: The Undying MMO

“Nevermind my injuries, sister.  It’s a miracle that any of us are alive!  It didn’t look like you’d pull through; you’ve been in suspension for weeks.  Something happened and the Exodar crashed.  Many have died.  But I’m relieved that you are alive, Effraeti.  With you leading our efforts, I’m sure we’ll get to safety soon!  Proenitus asked me to send you to him when you awoke.  He’s waiting for you at the bottom of the hill.  Just follow the path southwest.”  These are the opening lines that greet a new Draenei character, spoken in the midst of a striking environment punctuated with bright colors.  You enter the game, after a brief cinematic introducing your chosen race as outcasts fleeing through space, in the wreckage of a spaceship – your spaceship.  You are surrounded by other Draenei – blue-skinned, horned, with hooves instead of feet, more resembling some sort of demon than any standard “good” fantasy race you can recall from memory – and begin your adventure by saving some of your injured companions while trying to contain the damaging chemicals leaking from your destroyed spaceship that are already beginning to mutate the local flora and fauna.  This is the storyline that you are thrown into as a noble, exiled Draenei character.  It is your introduction, along with hers (or his), to the fantasy world of Azeroth.  Dragons are real and so is danger.  It is your task to conquer all the challenges laid before you, increase in power, and to ultimately keep the world safe from demons, Old Gods, and other agents of destruction.

The purpose of World of Warcraft (WoW) is similar to that of most other video games – to entertain and to provide a sense of accomplishment and reward that keeps players interested.  How well does it accomplish this goal?  I say very well, and this is proven by the longevity of the game.  Nine years and four expansions after its original release, WoW is still the most subscribed Massively Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), and even holds the Guinness World Record for the most popular MMORPG by subscribers.  (“World of Warcraft”)

Why is WoW so popular?  Well, the first reason is all of the options available to you.

To get you started on your adventures in WoW, the Draenei are just one of the many possible races you can choose, each race with its own unique story beginning.  You can alternatively play a Worgen – a Human bitten by a werewolf-like creature and forced to adjust to a new dual-personality.  Another race of former-Humans, the Forsaken, is a group of undead who gained sentience and then purpose by banding together and rising against their former creators.  There are also the noble Tauren, a race resembling minotaurs, but possessing a peaceful and somewhat nomadic culture more akin to the Native Americans.  The game also gives the options of some of the more standard fantasy races – Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, Trolls, Orcs, and of course Humans.  Most recently added are the Pandaren, a peaceful, jolly Asian-based culture of humanoid pandas, bringing the total possible races to choose from to thirteen.  The races are split into two factions, the Horde and the Alliance, and there is little communication or friendliness between the two sides.

The choice of classes is the same for both factions, though all races are limited in what classes they can choose.  The classes in WoW are very diverse and range from Warriors and Rogues to Mages and Warlocks to Shaman and Priests, each with a different toolkit of abilities to get the job done.  Some classes are purely for dealing damage to enemies, some are for tanking (meaning they draw all the attention of the enemy), and others are for healing allies.  You can also choose whether you want to attack enemies from a distance (ranged) or get right up in their face (melee).  (“Game Guide”)

World of Warcraft also gives players a wide range of activities.  Some people think WoW is just about endgame raiding – getting to maximum level and killing bosses for loot – but there are many more things to do.  There are people who only PvP (Player-versus-Player) – meaning they fight other players, usually in battlegrounds which are setup for that exact purpose.  There are people who only PvE (Player-versus-Environment) – meaning they do quests and dungeons and game activities that pit them against computer-controlled monsters.  There are people who most enjoy the crafting and social aspects of the game.  I once played with a woman who looked at in-game crafting similar to knitting, but more enjoyable, because she could chat with others while doing it.

There are also mini-games within the game, the most popular of them being pet battles.  Pet battles allow you to train and level small pets and fight them against other pets.  For how simple the system is, it is very rewarding.  It provides a quick game with quick results, and is nice for when your game time is short.

This plethora of choices is only the tip of the iceberg, though, as they say nothing about how captivating the stories within World of Warcraft are.  It is a vast world with a vast number of different peoples and stories.  Many of the stories, like much fantasy fiction, are based on the myths and folklore of the many cultures of the world.  Numerous writers on the Blizzard team lend their talent to the story, creating a rich environment and interesting characters worth caring about.  WoW illustrates symbolism through the contrasting relations between the Light (Good) and the Burning Legion (Evil); the Titans (Order) and the Old Gods (Chaos); and then with the more literal Sha, who embody the manifestation of the worst emotions within us (Jealousy, Anger, Fear, Pride, etc.).  The NPCs (Non-Player Characters), the characters within WoW with whom you interact while increasing your knowledge and power, are all dynamic characters with backgrounds and emotions and motivations.  Over the near-two decades of the Warcraft story, many of these characters have seen personal development and not all of it good.

The best example of this character development is Prince Arthas Menethil.  Heir to the throne of Lordaeron and a Paladin of the Holy Light in training, Arthas is a tragic character similar to Darth Vader of the Star Wars series.  (“Star Wars”)  He tried desperately to do all the right things, but eventually became consumed by his obsessions.  Arthas started himself down a dark path, killing both his father and his mentor, and ultimately becoming the evil Lich King and trying to overrun the whole of Azeroth with his undead army.  It was heroes, like those you create in WoW, who stopped him.  (“Arthas Menethil”)

Another example of a character who has grown over time is Jaina Proudmoore.  Jaina extricated herself from her racist father, and chose a path of diplomacy between the Alliance and the Horde, making a good friend of Horde’s Orc leader, Thrall.  After Thrall passed leadership to Garrosh, all of the work done between the two factions came crashing down in the moment when Garrosh dropped a mana-bomb on Jaina’s own home, Theramore.  It nearly broke Jaina, who had spent so many years convincing the Alliance’s leaders to seek peace with the Horde.  Her trust of the Horde, the Orcs, and particularly the young Warchief Garrosh, was shattered.  (“Jaina Proudmoore”)

In fact, Garrosh himself is a good example of WoW’s foreshadowing.  Throughout the entirety of Cataclysm (the third expansion) and Mists of Pandaria (the current expansion), Garrosh has grown increasingly hostile toward the Alliance and anyone who stands in the way of his goals.  Small peeks of his madness and megalomania, as well as the atrocious things he was doing under the mantle of Warchief finally led to a combined strike by the Alliance and the Horde to stop Garrosh.  It was discovered he followed eerily in the footsteps of his father in corrupting orcs with fel (demonic) energy and eventually sought to awaken an Old God to assist him in taking over Azeroth.  (“Garrosh Hellscream”)

These characters, these stories, are much of what drives my personal interest.  I add my own characters’ stories to theirs, building off them and ultimately improving my own gaming experience by coming to understand what motivates my characters.  I enjoy reading this story information – this lore – both inside and outside of the game.

For most, the story is best experienced through the quests in WoW, and there are many quests that tell stories both large and small and in varying ways.  One of my favorite questlines is led by a pacifist Ogre named Lunk.  Throughout the entire quest chain, he coaxes you to accomplish your goals without killing.  The alternatives he uses are both effective and amusing.  Lunk rides spiders, sits on Dwarves until they fall asleep, and dances to help you as you quest with him.  (Navimie)  Another amusing questline is the one including Maximillian of Northshire, a Paladin who is the perfect anti-hero.  He more often creates worse situations by trying to better them, including throwing a damsel to “safety” (with unfortunate results), aiding another who is no true “damsel” but a male mage in a robe, and “saving” a third from her pet parrot.  (Yogscast)  There are also quests that tell stories while breaking up the sameness of fetch and kill quests, like the Naz’jar Battlemaiden questline.  You attune yourself to an old shattered dagger, and experience the battles fought by the Naga (a race of hostile mer-people).  It does a very good job of pulling you into the story and telling the history not in something you read, but something you do.  (“Visions of the Past”)

Stories are good for captivating your audience, but when it comes to video games, you really need more to keep people playing.  Single-player games are mostly static, with a set beginning and ending.  Once you beat the game, you might replay it once or twice, but more than likely you will go find a new game with new challenges and new rewards.  MMO’s, however, are always evolving.  Playing an MMO means you can expect new, updated content on a continuous basis.

The biggest questions with online games and the release of new content are “how much?” and “how often?”  Over the past nine years, the MMO market has changed, and WoW has been learning to change with it.  Gamers absorb current content faster and expect new content more often than ever before.  One critic, a writer on, calls these players, appropriately, “content locusts.”  (Parsley)  I am in agreement that MMO’s should not be purely about racing to the endgame, at the detriment of all else in the game, but the endgame is very important.  I achieved burnout in MMO’s with less endgame than WoW far faster, even when content in WoW was releasing slower.  The increased rate of new content in Mists of Pandaria has been noticeable and, I believe, successful – in one year of the current expansion, WoW is on its third raiding tier.  Blizzard has pushed forward a steady release of update patches, basically creating a pattern of alternately one raid patch with one patch of other content.  So not only are they keeping their raiders happy, but also those players who do not raid.

This leads to the main reason WoW is still the biggest MMORPG after so many years – many people may criticize and say otherwise, but Blizzard listens to their players.  They have evolved the classes.  They have evolved the story.  They have evolved their schedule for new content.  They have evolved the game.

WoW is still popular after nine years, because it gives its players lots of choices, a good story, and regular new content.  World of Warcraft has its critics, but most of them point to the single fact of the game’s older graphics and gaming engine.  Personally, I think Blizzard has done a fantastic job of giving us new and more beautiful zones, monsters, dungeons, and boss encounters, especially in the most recent expansion.  There is also talk of further improving the game’s graphics by updating the skins on the playable characters, a welcome change that is in process and coming in the near future.  (Grace)

I believe this adequately describes the formula for Blizzard’s success with World of Warcraft, and it is one that will continue into the foreseeable future.

Works Cited

Arthas Menethil.” WoWWiki. Web. 11 October 2013.

Game Guide.” World of Warcraft Official Game Site. Blizzard Entertainment. Web. 11 October 2013.

Garrosh Hellscream.” WoWWiki. Web. 11 October 2013.

Grace, Olivia. “Character Model Rework 25% Complete.” WoW Insider. 24 August 2013. Web. 11 October 2013.

Jaina Proudmoore.” WoWWiki. Web. 11 October 2013.

Navimie. “Navimie Says, ‘Lunk, I Like Your Style.’” The Daily Frostwolf. 20 March 2012. Web. 11 October 2013.

Parsley, Isabelle. “Player Perspectives: Content Locusts Killed My MMO.” MMORPG. 27 January 2012. Web. 11 October 2013.

Star Wars.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 11 October 2013.

Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj’ir.” Wowhead. Web. 11 October 2013.

World of Warcraft.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 11 October 2013.

Yogscast Lewis & Simon. “Warcraft – Cataclysm: Maximillian of Northshire: Absolutely Best Quest Ever – Un’Goro Crater.” Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 19 November 2010. Web. 11 October 2013.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This paper includes content referring to worlds and characters in World of Warcraft.
Creative Commons License
Awaiting the Muse by Jamie Roman AKA Effraeti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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Mini-Tinfoil Hat Post: the Infinite Flight and the Sha

Tairais loves pet biscuits!

Tairais loves pet biscuits!

So I was thinking about it last night while we were in Terrace, my wee Infinite Whelpling kind of looks Sha-infested.  Co-winky-dink?  I think not.  I have learned nothing in Azeroth SEEMS related without some highly suspicious reasoning behind it.  And since everything bad is because of the Old Gods – the Infinite Dragonflight and the Sha must be too.

But just because my lil Tairais had a rough start to life does not mean he cannot grow up to be a good dragon.  He just needs lots of TLC – and pet biscuits!

That is all for now.  Like I said, just a mini-post.  I had to throw this out there while I was thinking about it.

Now, back to my plotting and scheming.  I have even dragged some friends into my proposed mayhem.  It is of an emergency and time-constrained sort, so I have to cut this – and my pet battling for the night – short!

~ Effy

Okie, so maybe Sha are more smokey where Infinite dragons are more sooty... but the similarities are still too striking to ignore.

Okie, so maybe Sha are more smokey where Infinite dragons are more sooty… but the similarities are still too striking to ignore.

Update! (Twin Moons)

While I am posting, and thinking about it as I look through screenshots, I wanted to mention I finally got to see both White Lady and Blue Child in the sky at the same time.  Here are both of them over Stormwind!

~ Effy

The White Lady

The Blue Child

EDIT: For those who may have missed the comments to the post leading up to this one, I wanted to add some background information.

Azeroth has two moons – the White Lady and the Blue Child.  The White Lady has a great deal of lore connection, as it symbolizes both Elune to the Night Elves and Mu’sha to the Tauren.  The Blue Child less so.  The two moons are mentioned in the World of Warcraft books sparsely.  I do not recall seeing mention of the moons specifically in-game (feel free to correct me, if there is a quest somewhere!), but they both appeared in the sky in-game throughout Vanilla.

Back at the beginning of the Burning Crusade expansion, there was some sort of glitch (perhaps weather effect related?) which caused Blizzard to remove Blue Child from the Azeroth sky.  It appears whatever this issue was, it was not fixed until sometime during the Mists of Pandaria beta, which fortunately carried over to live.

Therefore, it is now possible to see both moons in the sky, though, their paths and speeds differ.  So sometimes there may only one visible.

I add this edit because Ranico mentioned liking these pics, but in all his time hanging out in Stormwind, either pre-raid or just chatting it up, he could not recall the second, blue moon ever being there.  That is because, up until a few months ago, it was not.  🙂